Written layer digital portrait (Kat can't read these)
Ever wanted to put a swear word over a friends face or tell that person you love that their feet smell but do so in a beautifully arty way?????
1 person digital portrait!
Once payment is made what I will need is a straight on 'looking forward' portrait styled photo of you (or friend,celebrity,loved one) for me to work from (no sunglasses, masks or hats, Iv put this in because any large area of black within the black linework layer will make it impossible to read the underneath word layer)
And either a 9-16 lettered word, statement, saying or phase (spelt correctly by yourself as I will write what you put in the comment on the image!!!) Hopefully the images above will help show what I mean
Once final is compete you will receive 2 digital versions with and without the wording send to your email after thumbs up on final is agreed!